Mother Teresa College is one of the most successful College institutions in West Africa. Originally launched over 26 years ago in Bonaberi, Ngwelle. The College has grown to have an alumni of past students who are thriving in successfull careers worldwide . From Lawyers, Doctors, Entrepreneurs, Engineers, and much more. Mother Teresa College has taken students from Cameroon, Nigeria, Congo, Equitorial Guinea, Niger , South Africa, United Kingdom and turned them into success stories worldwide. With it’s ethos of imparting wisdom, humility, knowledge and a sense of purpose amongst it’s students. It has succeeded setting the trend for others to follow.
The story of Mother Teresa College starts first with Bilingual Kindergarten and Primary School, was one of the first bilingual schools launched in Douala, Littoral. The nursery and primary school revolutionised the school system in Cameroon and is recognised as the first private school to introduce a children bus transport system responsible for transporting children to the school. The success of BKPS, led to the launch of MTC – Mother Teresa’s College.
Before 1989, there was no boarding school in the whole of Douala. The idea of having one stemmed from the children we were training from our founding school, Bilingual Kindergarten and Primary school.
Chief Mrs. Ada Kesi Makia (who is also the founder of BKPS) ‘took the bull by the horns’ and bought a piece of land in the outskirt of Douala. The area is called “Ngwelle” which means “forest” in the Douala dialect. It was a real jungle with all kinds of wild animals. The land is surrounded by a swift river that empties in to the Atlantic Ocean just a few kilometres away. Monkeys jumped from one mango tree to the other, large snakes were daily visitors. Birds of all kinds relaxed in the corridors but unfortunately, the creatures disappeared due to the presence of people.
In 1989, the first buildings went up being a co-educational institution, dormitories were built two of which were boy’s and a girl’s dormitory with enough security. A large Assembly hall was built, this doubled as a church house for Sunday services, classrooms, refectory, kitchen and a home for the housemother.
The vision was to have a beautiful and secured campus, far away from the busy township. Mother Teresa College Campus is fourteen thousand acres surrounded by a high fence. The missionaries from the Presbyterian Church were the first residents. Sister Magdalene Hadley sent, Sister Regina, Sister Germain, and Sister Maria. These sisters helped to mould the spiritual lives of the students. The principal Mr. Peter Egbe and a few other teachers were recruited before its inception. An initial number of five girls and five boys were recruited in form one in September 1990. The Anglo Saxon system of education was instituted. It took two to three years for the electricity company to connect us with light. We used generators and living deep in the forest. Life was quite difficult without power to pump water into reservoirs etc. The calm and comfortable environment superseded the odds.
Over the years, we have instilled a strict and disciplined system. The excellent moral and growth is due to this, in addition the parents preferred boarding facilities. Our teachers and students growth is only increasing and the campus is certainly proud of more facilities to assist this, IT, academic, administrative as well as buildings infrastructure. Our GCE “O” and “A” levels are of an excellent standard. MTC has the science laboratory in Littoral; there is food and nutrition lab, a library and a computer laboratory. In addition to these, there are sports and social amenities; a football pitch and an all for purpose pitch for handball, basketball and volley ball with a beautiful grand stand. MTC contains eight furnished flats for guests visiting us from all parts of the world. Our goals are several but we are sure that there is still much more to be done and we are on track. Above all these endeavors, God has been pulling us through. It would be humanly difficult to achieve anything without Him.
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